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Is it expensive to build an outdoor fireplace in Chicago?

outdoor fireplace chicago


Creating a cozy outdoor space in your home can significantly enhance its appeal and functionality. An outdoor fireplace is a popular addition, providing warmth and a gathering spot for family and friends. However, many homeowners are concerned about the cost involved. At Chicago Fireplace Inc., we aim to provide clarity on the expenses associated with building an outdoor fireplace, ensuring that you can make an informed decision.

Cost Factors

When considering the construction of an outdoor fireplace, several factors come into play that can affect the overall cost. These include materials, design, labor, and any additional features you might want.


The choice of materials has a substantial impact on cost. Common materials for outdoor fireplaces include brick, stone, and stucco. Natural stone tends to be more expensive but offers unparalleled durability and aesthetic appeal. Brick is a slightly less expensive option and also provides a range of design possibilities. Stucco, on the other hand, is cost-effective and can be customized with different colors and textures.


The complexity of the design also influences the price. A custom-designed fireplace that includes intricate details or unique architectural features will naturally cost more than a simpler, standard model. At Chicago Fireplace Inc., we work closely with our clients to create designs that meet their budget and style preferences.


Labor costs can vary widely depending on the scope of the project and the expertise required. Installing an outdoor fireplace is a labor-intensive task that often involves skilled craftsmen, particularly when working with materials like natural stone. It’s important to hire experienced professionals to ensure that the construction is safe and meets all local building codes.

Additional Features

Adding extra features such as built-in seating, a wood storage area, or even integrating a pizza oven can enhance the functionality of your outdoor fireplace but will also increase the cost. These features are worth considering if you want to maximize the usage of your outdoor living space.

Budgeting Tips

To manage costs effectively, it’s crucial to set a realistic budget and prioritize features that are most important to you. Here are some tips:

  • Choose materials wisely: Opt for materials that offer the best balance between cost and durability.
  • Simplify designs: Consider simpler designs that require less labor and materials but still provide the aesthetic and functional benefits you desire.
  • Plan for the future: Build in phases if necessary. Start with the basic structure and add features over time as your budget allows.


Building an outdoor fireplace in Chicago can be an investment that adds significant value and enjoyment to your home. By understanding the factors that influence cost and planning accordingly, you can create a beautiful and functional outdoor space without breaking the bank. For homeowners looking to sell their properties and perhaps invest in enhancements like an outdoor fireplace, remember that services such as we buy houses Chicago can offer quick and efficient real estate transactions, freeing up resources for your new projects.
